5 Yogi Berra Quotes for the ELA Classroom

Yogi Berra turned 90 yesterday. For those of you who don’t know who Yogi Berra is, I don’t have time to explain. What I do have time to explain is related lesson plans. Making decisions. I like to bust out a decision making graphic organizer when reading Romeo and Juliet at the end of Act […]

Characterization Lesson Plan Chart

So I was looking for a lesson on characterization on my own site the other day. I found some good ones, but nothing that I could just print out and use. I couldn’t help feel that I had totally let down my colleagues from around the world. I sought the advice of Friar Lawrence as […]

A Handy Chart for Teaching Conflict in Literature

I like to experience ElaCommonCoreLessonPlans.com from the view of an outsider. In fact, I often use the site’s search function to remind me of great lesson ideas I’ve done in the past. So just the other day, I typed in “Teaching Conflict in Literature,” and I found great ideas, but nothing that would strike me […]