Easy Research Paper Lesson Plan

I once made a research paper due one week before the end of the grading period. I sat down to grade them. After the first one, I cried.  After the second one I cut myself. After the third one I swore I’d rather eat razors and drink cow urine than read another one. I got […]

Lesson Plan of the Day: Why and How to Take Cornell Notes

Because she’s dead I won’t mention her name. Actually she might have been dead when she was my teacher. She was my World History teacher in 9th grade and happens to be the worst teacher I’ve ever had. That’s 12 years of school, followed by an undergraduate degree from the Harvard of the West (UNLV), […]

Add a Character Writing Assignment Lesson Plan

As Mrs. Cantwaitfortheschoolyeartoend approached her classroom, she realized she had no lesson plan for the day. When she heard the principal Mr. Likestofire would be visiting her that morning, she started to panic, ran down the hall screaming, crammed her hand down her throat, and vomited on my shoes. I instinctively told her she didn’t […]