Great Essay Topic: Which Literary Character Would Win a Hunger Games Fight to the Death?

I just read “The Lottery” for the first time in over 30 years. As with most things from my youth, it was a lot better in my youth. And like most things as an adult, it gave me a great essay topic. But before we get to the great essay topic, here’s my review of […]

Why Wikipedia is not a Valid Research Paper Resource

Look, I’m not one of those Wikipedia haters. For regular folk like me looking for regular information as a starting point, Wikipedia’s not bad. It should not, however, be taken for a reputable source when it comes to serious matters, such as a research paper. The next time your students question Wikipedia’s authenticity as a […]

5 Yogi Berra Quotes for the ELA Classroom

Yogi Berra turned 90 yesterday. For those of you who don’t know who Yogi Berra is, I don’t have time to explain. What I do have time to explain is related lesson plans. Making decisions. I like to bust out a decision making graphic organizer when reading Romeo and Juliet at the end of Act […]