“Wild Nights – Wild Nights!” A Poem by Emily Dickinson Lesson Plan for National Poetry Month

If your idea of a wild night involves reviewing poetry lesson plans, then get a life. If you need a quick poem that might grab the attention of teenagers and a nifty lesson plan to go with it, get this lesson plan. We’ll start with something you can download and print–a copy of the poem […]

Sound Devices Lesson Plan

Hey! It’s National Poetry Month! This chart will accomplish your objectives with just about any poem involving sound devices: Sound Devices in Poetry. Key Points When Teaching Sound Devices in Poetry There are levels of understanding when it comes to teaching sound devices in poetry: Monkey Level – Level 1 involves memorizing definitions–consonance, assonance, rhyme, […]

Imagery Lesson Plan: Poets for Teaching Imagery

Students need more than the definition of imagery to really get it. Understanding imagery involves interpreting and analyzing the author’s purpose for using a specific image or set of images. Good poetry centers around powerful images. These poets excel with imagery. You’re busy. I don’t want to waste your time. Here’s a pdf download imagery […]