“The Landlady” Movie Lesson Plan

Billy Weaver has arrived in Bath—the town in England, not the thing in your bathroom. He’s there on a work assignment from London and it’s been a rather inconvenient train ride and he just wants to get a room for the night and take care of business in the morning.

Billy thinks he’s gotten lucky by finding a great deal at a not-so-frequented bed and breakfast with an eccentric old lady running things…

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“The Landlady” Movie

Here’s a cheesy video you can show your class. There’s also a lesson plan and objectives to go with it.

As you know, I would never encourage my colleagues to show a movie without having a legitimate lesson plan with legitimate objectives.

Here’s the assignment handout. It’s self-explanatory. This is one of those lessons that’s easy to teach, entertaining for the kids, and actually involves practicing and mastering skills and standards.

Don’t forget to write one of these standards on the board.

  • RL.9-10.7 – Analyze the representation of a subject or a key scene in two different artistic mediums, including what is emphasized or absent in each treatment.
  • RL.11-12.7 – Analyze multiple interpretations of a story, drama, or poem.

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