Halloween Short Stories not by Edgar Allan Poe Podcast

In today’s episode of the Teaching ELA Podcast, I discuss several short stories for Halloween that weren’t written by Edgar Allan Poe. They include “The Monkey’s Paw,” “The Lottery,” “Rappacini’s Daughter,” “There Will Come Soft Rains,” “Sonata for a Harp and a Bicycle,” “Lamb to the Slaughter,” “The Landlady,” and “Very Old Man with Enormous […]

“The Landlady” Movie Lesson Plan

Billy Weaver has arrived in Bath—the town in England, not the thing in your bathroom. He’s there on a work assignment from London and it’s been a rather inconvenient train ride and he just wants to get a room for the night and take care of business in the morning. Billy thinks he’s gotten lucky […]

The Landlady Lesson Plans: Making Inferences

Mr. Weaver had traveled down from the lunch room on the slow afternoon cart, with a stop at the library on the way, and by the time he got to his classroom it was about one o’clock in the afternoon and the assistant principal was coming from a bad observation in the classroom opposite the […]