The Best Nathaniel Hawthorne Short Stories with Summaries and Lesson Plans

Nathaniel Hawthorne Short StoriesA throng of bearded administrators, in sad-colored garments and gray, steeple-crowned hats, intermixed with teachers, some wearing hoods, and others bareheaded, was assembled in front of a wooden edifice, the door of which was heavily timbered with oak, and studded with iron spikes.

Certain it is, that, some fifteen or twenty minutes after the establishment of the school, a veteran administrator, already marked with weather-stains and other indications of age, which gave a yet darker aspect to his beetle-browed and gloomy front decided to ruin the day of a new teacher, whose attempt to teach Nathaniel Hawthorne Short Stories was underway.

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On one side of the teacher’s desk, and rooted almost at the computer keyboard, was a Nathaniel Hawthorne short stories lesson plan, covered, in this month of September, with common core objectives, which might be imagined to offer their fragrance and fragile beauty to the teacher as he taught.

And here we have a copy of the lesson plan, followed by a list of Nathaniel Hawthorne Short Stories for high school with other lesson ideas: American Romanticism Lesson Plan.

Nathaniel Hawthorne Short Stories for High School

Nathaniel Hawthorne Short Stories

Ol’ Nate wrote some mighty fine short stories.

“The Minister’s Black Veil” – A minister tries to prove a point by wearing a black veil over his face for his entire life. Nobody is exactly sure what the point is, although the minister tries to teach it in each sermon and makes himself into a bit of a freakish spectacle. There’s some serious symbolism with the veil.

“Young Goodman Brown” – Anyone who’s ever wished he’d stayed home can relate to Young Goodman Brown. YGB thinks it would be a good idea to leave his bride and venture into the forest to congregate with the devil. As with most meetings with the devil, YGB gets more than he bargains for. Here’s a little setting analysis lesson plan for “Young Goodman Brown” that you can use right now. Just make copies: Setting and Plot in “Young Goodman Brown”

Nathaniel Hawthorne Short Stories

Heidegger’s scientific experiment proves insightful.

“Dr. Heidegger’s Experiment” – Old Dr. Heidegger gathers with his loser friends to conduct an experiment. The experiment, however, is not what his loser friends think it is. There’s a goodly amount of irony in this story. I’m sure you can find something of use on my short stories for teaching irony page.

“Rappaccini’s Daughter” – You could teach this in English class as an example of American Romanticism and the dangers of science. You could also teach it in health class as a lesson on the dangers of venereal disease. I would not, however, mix the two. Rappaccini’s daughter might be beautiful, but—in the words of a former popular band whose name I can’t remember—”that girl is poison!”

“The Birthmark” – It’s been noted by some that vanity is a common trait in high school students (and non-high school students). Here’s a good story to think about the next time you look in the mirror and lament an imperfection. One man’s attempt to rid his almost-perfect bride of a birthmark proves disastrous. This story also makes an excellent example of American Romanticism and irony. There’s probably a good lesson plan on symbolism floating around on my site that would fit this story.



Last Updated on December 2, 2016 by Trenton Lorcher