The Landlady Lesson Plans: Making Inferences

Mr. Weaver had traveled down from the lunch room on the slow afternoon cart, with a stop at the library on the way, and by the time he got to his classroom it was about one o’clock in the afternoon and the assistant principal was coming from a bad observation in the classroom opposite the […]

Teaching Edgar Allan Poe Poems: A 4-Step Lesson Plan for Annabel Lee

For the most wild, yet most homely blog post which I am about to type, I neither expect nor solicit belief. Mad indeed would I be to expect it, in a case where my very senses reject their own evidence. Yet, mad am I not –and very surely do I not dream. My immediate purpose […]

Valentine’s Day Love Poems and Lesson Plans

I will now list the three most annoying days of the school year: 1. The first day 2. September 3. Valentine’s Day Unfortunately, Valentine’s day falls on a Thursday this year, which gives students 4 days to to send balloons, cheap flowers, teddy bears that will be thrown out by President’s Day, and a bazillion […]