Search Results for: Romeo and Juliet

Romeo and Juliet Quotes: 12 Important Quotes from Romeo and Juliet

Want to sound smarter (and more romantic) than you really are? Understand these famous quotes from Romeo and Juliet to get an A on your test and impress girls at parties. This list of Romeo and Juliet quotes is no where near exhaustive. It will, however, give you a good start to understanding the play. […]

Romeo and Juliet Characters: 14 Important Characters from Romeo and Juliet with Analysis

When you think of Romeo and Juliet characters, think irony.  Things are not always as they seem. Main Characters in Romeo and Juliet Romeo Montague – Foolish modern day girls clamor for a modern day Romeo. They dream of Romeo’s wooing words (Act I, scene v, lines 43-52 and II, ii, 1-25) and ignore his […]

Romeo and Juliet Prologue: Summary, Meaning, and Analysis

You’re looking for sad love poems, are you? I’m not sure you can handle the sadness of the Prologue to Romeo and Juliet. Don’t think it’s sad? Wait until you read this analysis and summary. The Prologue to Romeo and Juliet Two households, both alike in dignity, In fair Verona, where we lay our scene, […]